Monday, May 5, 2014

Nicotine, soft serve, and fake eyelashes

Well, somehow I forgot my planner which had everything written down that I was going to tell you, so we'll see how much I can remember! I feel like my brain has disintegrated after 3 months of using a planner. The planner has pretty much become my brain now! Hahaha!

a peek into a missionary's apartment

The temple last week was so great. It looks like the Dallas temple from the outside but is different on the inside. My favorite part was right when you walk in the temple, there are two sets of double doors, even before you get into the lobby. Following with Chinese tradition, between the first and second set of doors is a place where you take off your shoes. I thought that was so significant and it really reminded me of the sacredness of the temple. 

 We saw some really amazing miracles this last week! We set a baptismal date with one of our long-time investigators, WGJ !!! This is HUGE for him. His goal is June 8th. We have really seen a change in him lately. We are really working with him and praying for him to make this goal. He has had a few different baptismal dates in the past but never made them. He has been coming to church and institute (a scripture study class) for over a year but has resisted being baptized. He finally opened up this week about some of his concerns and that really helped us know how to help him. We pray for him and think about him and plan for him and worry about him and discuss him all the time- I don't think he'll every really understand how much we want to help him- and how much the Lord wants to help him. I think being a missionary is giving me a taste of how the Heavenly Father feels about His children. 

We also got several new investigators this week and set baptismal dates with all of them. May and June are going to be so exciting here in SongShan! We have met some absolutely amazing, humble and prepared people this week. God is keeping his promise to hasten his work.  We also had some amazing church members accompany us to teach this week- they were just perfect for our investigators and had just the right amount of boldness and love. 

Some funny things that happened this week: 

·      I confirmed my new finding technique of talking to people who are smoking or who just finished smoking. I tried it out three times this week, and it worked all three times! When you think about it, though, people are in a good mood because they've just gotten a good dose of nicotine, so they're more willing to talk to us! They gave us their numbers and agreed to meet with us!

·      The elders just started teaching an interesting woman who is afraid of soft serve ice cream.

·      The lady at the fried rice place we go to all the time asked me if my eyelashes were real. She was a little bit incredulous when I told her that I had mascara on but that they were real. 

Taiwanese ghali (curry).  So good!

This morning in studies I was thinking about all the places that say that if you “thrust in your sickle with your might”, you will “lay up salvation for your soul”? Why does faithful missionary service help qualify you for exaltation? I think the answer is in becoming a missionary. If you give up all of you heart and desires and wishes to God, your mission will change you. God will change you. I can feel that change. I am learning so much and really having a refining experience. I think my mission will be the foundation for the way I want to live the rest of my life.

me :D

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