Wow, another crazy week! I feel like I've hardly
had a moment to breathe!
I asked Sis Smith yesterday how on earth to
summarize our week...she said, "hitting people over the head with the
chair of righteousness". I feel like that's pretty accurate,
with other missionaries at the church |
Basically, after a really inspiring temple
square tour training last week, Sis Smith and I decided we were done being
things to be acted upon and that we were just going to be so straight up with
people. And it is so refreshing! I feel like before my mission, and even
on it, I've been the type of person who just tries to keep everything smooth
and not rock the boat, even if that means not being as forward as I should be
with people because it just feels awkward for me. Missions change you, and
that's all I have to say about that! We said what needed to be said to less active members,
investigators, sisters in our zone- and it was so neat to see the Lord
fulfilling our calling and speaking through us. Everyone progressed this
week. The spirit was there, and we had love. We were able to help
a less active sister see how her actions are influencing her life now and her future,
and able to help some sisters in our zone who were struggling with obedience
see how being exactly obedient literally brings miracles. Literally the day
after we had a pretty straightforward conversation with them about following certain rules, they decided to change- and had 4 other lessons during finding,
something that was HUGE for them. I learned this week that we don't need to be afraid
of saying the "hard things" when we are led by the spirit and have
charity for people. God backs us up.
This week Sis Smith and I individually and as a
companionship asked the question, "Lord, is it I?". The answer to
that question is simply always yes. We we working hard before, but we have
completely redoubled our efforts and our desire to reach the goals we set has
increased 10 fold. We worked so hard last week and there are still so many places for
improvement, but it felt really good to really get fired up again.
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At the end of a long crazy day |
I'm not sure if I've mentioned her before....we
are teaching a beautiful Filipino woman named A. I
don't think I've ever met someone so ready to embrace the Gospel before. We were knocking doors one
day, and we were about to turn around but just felt like we should knock on one
last door on the corner. And that's when we met her. :D She said she had been
praying to God to be able to keep hearing His gospel even though she was far
away from home and her church. She is here taking care of an ama (grandma). She is Catholic. We left her a pamphlet about the first lesson...and she
actually read it! Such a difference from all the investigators we just dropped
who wouldn't do anything without being dragged along. We taught her the first
lesson and she said that she had always been confused as to why in the catholic
church, they don't baptize by immersion like Jesus was baptized, and why they
believe in the trinity when it just doesn't make sense according to the Bible.
Yep, incredible. We didn't have a Tagalog book of Mormon for her in that
lesson, so we just left her with an English one and asked her to try to read
the introduction. The next lesson, we had a Tagalog one for her. She was so
happy. She had read not only the introduction, but all of Joseph Smith's
testimony as well. And loved it. Her challenge will be coming to church- with
her work it will be hard, so pray for her. I've realized through this
experience how willing God is to answer my prayers...I just have to pray for
the things I want! How often do I want something, but not actually vocalize
that in prayer? And why not? Bruce D Porter said, "Prayer was never meant
to be ordinary. It can be among the most exalted of privleges we enjoy in this
mortal sphere." I want my prayers to be more like that. I need them to be
more like that.
This week we were riding home in the pouring
rain because we forgot our ponchos. A fruit stand lady waved us down and told
us she was going to run to her scooter to get us ponchos because she was afraid
of us catching cold. So sweet. The taiwanese really have compassion and
hospitality down to a 't'. I want to follow their example.
Love you!
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