Our investigator pool has dropped to about 2....yep. Happens sometimes.
Along that same line, this week during temple
tours, we met an American lady who walked in and said she was having a rough
trip and needed a place to just sit and think for a while. We directed her to
the chapel, and later were able to have a long conversation with her. She told
us that she went to church when she was young, but her parents became less active in the church when she
was about 9 and she hadn't been to church since. Her siblings continued to go
to church and went on missions, but she felt like abstaining from sex and
coffee were just too high a price to pay. As we talked to her, it was obvious
that her life wasn't where she wanted it to be, and she wasn't really happy. It
is so true that the commandments of God are here to help us! I have never been
more thankful for commandments than I have been the past year of my life.
Another neat lesson we had this week was with
an less active member W. His kids are T and A, the ones we've been teaching. We
decided that there is no way they can progress without him supporting and
helping them, so we've switched our focus to him. We met with him last week and
had a really powerful lesson- the spirit was just guiding us on what to say. It
was amazing to see it work in him and see him humble himself and see that he
really needs the blessings of God in his life. We are excited to continue
helping him rediscover his testimony.
I also had a special personal experience this
week that reinforced to me once again that God answers prayers. On Sunday morning,
I was feeling....off. Satan was working a number on me, and he was trying all
of his tactics- loneliness, homesickness, mental exhaustion, inadequecy- you
name it. During sacrament meeting, I was pleading with the Lord for help, for a
manifestation of His love. And it came- in the words of the sacrament meeting
speakers, and the healing of the sacrament. It was so clear to me in that
moment that God knows us. He loves us. He is waiting for us to reach out to
Him, and He inspires others to help meet our needs.
So I guess the theme of the week is that God is
real, He loves us, and wants to show us truth through His restored gospel! How
blessed are we?!
This week is transfers- I think I am moving. I
feel like I am ready, like God has somewhere else for me to be. Also, next Mon will not be a p-day becuase we
have temple day next week! So, you'll hear from me next Wed! :D
Love you!
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