Wow, this week was crazy- and filled with so
many miracles. I have come to realize this week that one of the greatest
feelings in the world is to be a tool in God's hand- I was blessed to have
several experiences this week that reaffirmed this to me.
I am trying
to focus on the One- not just in our area, but with the sisters in the
mission. I learned that Christ's greatest influence came through His ministry
with individuals, not with groups- and I want to apply that to this transfer. Similarly,
my greatest ability to help and influence and minister probably isn't in the
trainings I give or a testimony I bear in sacrament meeting (although those
things are important and influential) but rather in the one on one interactions
I have with God's children. I may not be able to meet ALL the members in the
ward, but I can make sure that I am able to spiritually lift the ones I do
interact with. I may not know well ALL of the sisters in the mission, but I can
pray to know what God would have me say to the one I'm on an exchange with.
That's what I learned this week.
A miracle experience I had this week
was in finding. Sis Graham and I had about an hour, and decided to go to a
place that we planned to weeks ago but had never gotten to go to. We
thought from looking at the map that there were some small lanes with houses
that we could knock, but when we got there, all there were was tall office
buildings. We saw some doorbells that were facing the street, but didn't have
any particular feelings about ringing them, so we kept riding our bikes...and
riding...until we got to our area boundary. We were a little confused because
we hadn't felt prompted to stop at any point along the way, but really felt
like that was where we were supposed to be. We stopped for a minute and said hi
to a college kid walking on the street- and ended up having an INCREDIBLE,
entire first lesson with him right there on the sidewalk. He is one of the most
truth-seeking people I've ever met and thought so deeply about everything we
shared and asked really good questions- just a really genuine person. He set up
to meet again and said in the closing prayer that he really wanted to know if
all of this was true, and was willing to read the Book of Mormon. Unfortunately (for us)
he lives in the Elders' area, but it was just such a privilege to find him and be
able to share with him the message of the Restoration. It was amazing to see
how the Holy Ghost led us to be right where we needed to be at the right
the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial |
Next Miracle experience- I was on an exchange
with another sister, working in her area. We were in a park contacting, and we
saw a lady in the distance who was walking with a little kid, and we decided to
go contact her. As we approached, she got a big smile on her face and said hi
to us. Turns out she had met with sister missionaries before, and had loved it,
but had gotten busy and sort of stopped meeting with them. But she was super
excited to see us, and set up to come to English class last night. She told us
what a "coincidence" it was that she ran into us right then- she had
planned to meet a friend at the park, but right as she was heading out the
door, her friend texted and cancelled. She decided to come anyway....and ran
into us. Pretty amazing.
Not done yet! This week we got to
help one of our Recent Converts go to the temple for the first time to do baptisms. It was
such a neat experience- we got to be like temple workers and hand them towels
and squeegey the floor. I love the temple, and the influence that it has on new
members' faith.
Okay, last of all, I want to tell you about our
INCREDIBLE investigators. They are miracles in and of themselves.
-H family: Dad, Mom, 9 year old son, 5 year
old son. They have been coming to English class for about 6 months but hadn't
ever been invited to meet with missionaries. We invited and they accepted
immediately, and even came to church last sunday! Their 5 year old son has a
terminal disease that requires constant monitoring, so the Dad does that, and
the mom works night shift as a nanny to support the family. They are amazing.
They currently all have dates for the end of this month (6/28). It will take a
miracle to get them there, but I believe in miracles :D
-C T: She was a referral from another
area and had already had the first 2 lessons and been to church twice when we
got her. She is such a sweetheart! I asked her if she had a baptismal goal with
the other missionaries she'd been meeting with, and she said, "yes, but
then I moved here, so I need you to help me have the lessons and get
baptized." Can do :D She now has a goal for the end of the month as
This week is going to be CRAZY! Zone Conference
all day Wednesday, and then we're taking a trip to HuaLien Thursday through
Saturday for exchanges with sisters on the east coast. It's going to be a great
week! :D
Love you, Sis Murri