this tired. physically,
emotionally, you name it! It was a great week, and we helped a lot of
people...but boy am I feeling old! This week we were able to help some sisters
in our zone who are really struggling. I think one thing I've really
learned this week is that God is in the details. He sets things up. I'm meant
to be in this particular place at this time.
This week I was able to fulfill a lifelong
(well, at least mission-long) dream of confiscating someone's alcohol. H
invited us over to dinner at his house and while we were eating, I asked him
the title question. He went and got a bottle, I took it, said thank you, and
put it in my bag. Wish I could have had a picture of his face~ he was pretty
shocked! We poured it down the toilet as soon as we got home :D
We really felt the power of your prayers this
week as we were able to find 4 great new investigators! On Monday night, all of
our lessons had just cancelled, so we turned to our backup plans, which was to
go visit a potential investigator's house. It just didn't feel right, though.
Sis Smith said, "We are missing the point here- God wants us to do
something very specific, and we just need to figure out what it is." We
looked through the backup plans from last week that we hadn't gotten to, and
immediately felt right about going to visit an less active member whose house we had tried to
visit a few times before but they were never home. It immediately felt right.
We rang the 1st floor doorbell, only to have a lady start yelling at us in
Taiwanese. We were pretty sure she was just pretending she couldn't
speak Chinese (happens more frequently than you might think...) so we tried to
explain to her who we were and the name of the person we were looking for. She
went off again in Taiwanese. Sis Smith finally yelled into the microphone
"jiababwe!", which is a greeting that means "are you full?"
The lady stopped talking and asked us in Chinese why on earth we were asking if
she was full. Hahaha! We finally got her to open the door, and she told us the
person we were looking for lived on the 5th floor, not the 1st, like the ward
list said. We went up and she and her two adorable kids were home! They let us
in, and we had a great lesson. We sang I am a Child of God and the spirit was
so strong. The two kids are 9 and 11, and they became our new investigators.
What's even neater is that the mom said she had been thinking about bringing
her kids to church not too long ago.
One way I know that God loves me is that he
sends me chocolate when I really need it! Last Saturday was one of those dead
tired, wearing clothes that haven't been washed that week because your
dryer is broken, can't find any good food for lunch days. As we were biking to a house, I was praying and telling God that I was really trying hard and
said it would be awesome if someone gave us chocolate....and what do you know? The less active member we were visiting gave us each three chocolate truffles. Prayers are answered, folks, even
ones that are as inconsequential as chocolate. :D
In English class this past week for the
spiritual share we read Alma 17 and acted it out. Definitely one of the
funniest things I've every witnessed. Just picture a bunch of Asian adults
crawling around on the floor pretending to be sheep, and I think you'll get the
picture. :D I love teaching English- it's a blast. And my students ask funny
questions like "what's a prom queen?" and "I heard a song the
other day called White and Nerdy- what does nerdy mean?". Too funny!
Well, that's all. Lohas, everybody!
Sis Murri